Suze Orman

  • 网络奥曼;奥尔曼;苏茜·欧曼;苏丝奥门;苏西·欧曼
Suze OrmanSuze Orman
  1. By comparison , a phone call with personal finance guru Suze Orman was going for $ 450 .


  2. Suze Orman : Most people spend money , they don 't even have to impress people , they don 't even know or like .


  3. He has a track record of having worked with successful entrepreneurs , including Tony Robbins and Suze Orman .


  4. Suze Orman has made a fortune telling people to grow their wealth through frugality , despite having no personal experience in the matter .


  5. Suze Orman : That 's right you , we don 't have to have our own children .
